Your personal data

How we handle and protect your personal data

It is important to us that you as a customer feel safe with us and we have therefore made a summary below of how we protect, manage and use personal data.

GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation and replaces the Swedish Personal Data Act. For you as a customer, this means that your personal data gets even stronger protection and that you get more control over how your personal data is used.

What we save and why

The information we have about you is the information we receive when you sign our contract form register to our newsletter. We save that information to be able to verify your personality, send ev. invoice and member emails and to be able to list you in the member register.

As long as we save personal data

Personal data is saved from the time of registration until you want us to delete your personal data or want to cancel your membership, you are always welcome to contact us and we will arrange it immediately.

This is how we protect your personal data

When you provide information about yourself in connection with the newsletter sign up or signing the contract form, you must always be sure that we handle your personal data in a secure manner. Only our management who need to see your information have access to it.

Your rights

You always have the right to receive an excerpt of the information we have about you at any time and to know how and for what purpose the personal data is used. Should you not agree with how we use your personal data, you have the right to object and withdraw your consent. You also have the right to request that we delete all personal data we have about you. You are very welcome to contact us to get answers to questions and concerns about your personal data.


Our contact information is posted below:

Levis Tattoo Studio

Jöns Rundbäcks square 6, 41724, Gothenburg

Org.number: 8006254372